Saturday, March 28, 2009


I was about to have a nervous breakdown this past week. It's a long story and mainly my fault but I can still get pissed right? We applied for our passports on March 3rd and were told by the clerk we didn't need to expedite because they were only taking 2-3 weeks to arrive (should have know better!), fast forward to last week and they still weren't here so I started panicking and calling every day, I'm sure I got on their nerves. Finally on Thurs. they tell me we should probably pay to have them expedited WTF?? I waited 3 weeks and called almost every day last week and they waited till now to tell me to expedite or we might not get them in time!!!!!! So, against my will I ended up paying the expedite, it was cheaper than having to reschedule our flight if they didn't arrive in time but still a shit load of money for all 5 of us! Today I received my passport via overnight mail (and they still haven't charged the expedite fee?) so I am praying that the kids are on their way and that we receive them before we leave. Lesson learned!

Monday, March 9, 2009


For the last couple of days we have had some pretty good weather, this past weekend it was 70 degrees! I never really believed those studies that say people get depressed during the winter months but I am now starting to believe! I have felt like crap for a while now and couldn't figure out why? Well this weekend was nice, we had a great time hanging out with family, going to the outdoor malls and eating out, I cant explain the feeling but it just "felt good". The time changed this past weekend so today when I got out of work, it was still bright and it was nice getting home to see the kids and being able to spend some time with my little ones in the back yard before it got dark. I wish our spring lasted longer, I am not looking forward to our 110 degree summer :(

Im going to Mexico!

We leave on April 2nd and I couldn't be more excited because my mom, brother and one of my sisters is coming with us! I am a little sad that hubby is not coming with us but we will manage to have some fun anyway :) We will only be there until the 13th so we are going to be really busy and are hoping to squeeze a one day trip to Guayabitos in there. I have never traveled anywhere alone with all 4 kids so it will be interesting to see how I manage. On a side note, the last time I went to Mexico was in 2001 and they didn't require passports then and since we haven't left the country since, none of us had passports, so what I though was going to be a relatively inexpensive trip is turning out to be really pricey! Our airline tickets were also a bit pricey but my option was a direct flight through Mexicana or less expensive flights on the other carriers that required a layover, well with 4 kids ranging from 1 to 11, which would you choose?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Turn

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 5 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 5 people, in the right hand corner of the app, then click publish.

1) I thought I was a gangsta when I was a teenager!!! Baggy jeans, bandanna, thick eyeliner, dark brown lip liner and all the other chola stuff :)

2) I met my husband in 1995 and have been with him ever since. (Although we did have some big fights that ended up in us being separated for a couple weeks in between).

3) I got pregnant when I was 16 years old, my baby is now 11 years old :) I am thankful for her, she made me change and become a better person.

4)I graduated from UNLV in 2004 with a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration, one of my greatest accomplishments!

5) I am a conservative democrat (can you say that in the same sentence?), I have old fashioned values but feel that government helps more than it hurts.

6) I always wanted to be a mother and a wife, but I also dreamed of having a career and being independent and successful.

7) I dream of living in Mexico and raising my kids the old fashion way, where the focus is on the family and money is not as important as peace of mind.

8)My kids think I am "weird", I am not the typical mom, my style is a big mix of environment, I am conservative in some things, liberal in others, I follow Mexican customs, and am proud to be an American!

9) I love to read history books, and books about other cultures.

10) I am a Virgo, I hate the unknown, and being unorganized but ironically, my house looks like shit every day.

11) I am bossy (probably due to number 10 above), my sister says she feels sorry for my husband ;) but he never complains?

12) My dad passed away in 2007 after having a massive brain stem stroke, I miss him dearly and cant seem to find myself since then, I feel like a leaf floating through life serching for a purpose.

13)I like tattoos on my husband, I think they are sexy but they hurt like a bitch! I have been wanting to get another tatoo but I might just wait until we move to Mexico so my fellow blogger's (refried dreamer) husband can do it :)

14) I am Catholic, and try really hard to follow the doctrine, most of the time! Faith and religion are an important factor in raising my children, it creates morals and values that will help them stay grounded.

15) I have a shoe fetish and have tons and tons of shoes even though I wear the same ones almost every day.

16) I would love to have more children but think it would be selfish since I don't get to spend as much quality time with the ones I have now.

17) I'm not really a drinker and hate beer, but I do like mixed drinks.

18) I had a Catholic church wedding in September of '07, 2 months after my father passed away, its what he always wanted :(

19) I am the oldest of four children, I have 2 sisters and 1 brother who I take care of like he was my son.

20) I don't have a lot of time but have been learning how to cook lately, (preparing for Mexico). I can now cook some mean ass albondigas, and caldo's de res y pollo.

21) I have the bestest mother in law, she has always been there for us and has taken care of all of my babies while my husband and I work.

22) I love my momma so much and will miss her tremendously when we move to Mexico.

23) I am excited and scared to death about moving to Mexico, I worry that things wont work out for us and we will be stuck there :(

24) I want to travel the world, visit places like Italy, Spain, France, Jamaica, Cuba, Belize and many more, but will settle with being able to visit all of Mexico ;)

25) I want to achieve internal peace in this lifetime. I no longer want or need money or material things, I want health and happiness for my family and loved ones and anything else would be icing on the cake.