Ever since I had my tubal ligation (12/08/2007) I have been researching a tubal reversal. I have been very fortunate to find heaps of information online about the procedure and outcomes as well as meeting many amazing women who have been blessed with the opportunity to have more children after a reversal.
One of the first things I did after my tubal was obtain my operative report, there it indicated what type of tubal ligation procedure I had (parkland method). There are several types of procedures for a tubal ligation which are described in great detail at Dr. Berger's website (http://www.tubal-reversal.net/tubal_ligation_fallopian_tube.htm). Your possibility of becoming pregnant after a tubal reversal will depend on which type of procedure you had. Once I obtained my report I submitted it to the Dr. I would like to have perform my tubal reversal surgery (If I actually decide to have one) and received the great news that I was a perfect candidate for a tubal reversal based on my medical records and age. There are different types of tubal reversal surgery's and many doctors perform them all over the world, below are a few of the websites that I found helpful during my journey:
Again, these are just a couple of the many websites with information on tubal reversals and out of all the websites that I found, there is one that stood out for their dedication and detailed information regarding reversals : fittobeuntied.com. I highly recommend visiting them if you have tubal ligation regret, they have a support forum where you can find almost anything you need to know regarding a reversal, as well as follow along the journeys of many outstanding ladies who are going to or have had one. You cant help but to feel hope and excitement every time a new pregnancy is announced on their forums!
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