Saturday, March 28, 2009


I was about to have a nervous breakdown this past week. It's a long story and mainly my fault but I can still get pissed right? We applied for our passports on March 3rd and were told by the clerk we didn't need to expedite because they were only taking 2-3 weeks to arrive (should have know better!), fast forward to last week and they still weren't here so I started panicking and calling every day, I'm sure I got on their nerves. Finally on Thurs. they tell me we should probably pay to have them expedited WTF?? I waited 3 weeks and called almost every day last week and they waited till now to tell me to expedite or we might not get them in time!!!!!! So, against my will I ended up paying the expedite, it was cheaper than having to reschedule our flight if they didn't arrive in time but still a shit load of money for all 5 of us! Today I received my passport via overnight mail (and they still haven't charged the expedite fee?) so I am praying that the kids are on their way and that we receive them before we leave. Lesson learned!


Rosas Clan in Tulum said...

I hate the whole passport drama. So Crazy. I had to drive 3 hours to Seattle to get mine, paid $500 bucks for everything- passports, expidited and overnight delivery. Being deported leaves no time to waste! hehehe Are you all set for your trip?

Mama of 4 said...

I hear you on not wasting time ;) We are pretty much ready to go, the kids are really excited, now if those dumb passaport's would just hurry up and get here!

Refried Dreamer said...

what a bummer. ours were a pain in the ass too.... nonetheless, once you're here, they're invaluable!