I have probably blogged about this before but my husband and I were very young when we moved in together and although we have had some difficult times we remain strong and our love only continues to grow and deepen as time goes by. This month marks our 13 year anniversary of living together (we married legally in 2002 and through the Catholic church in 2008) and I couldn't have chosen a better man to be my life long partner and father of my children. I pray that God continues to bless our union and provides us with the strength and courage to deal with what the future has in store for us.
Happy Anniversary! And as they say in Spanish...Que cumplan muchos aƱos mas! :)
Congratulations momma!
Congrats that is a long time what great memories you already have with so many more to make.
Congrats darling. That is wonderful. There will always be ups and downs but getting through it is what we signed up for. And they (usually) make it worth it.
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