Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I (heart) the holidays!

This is my favorite time of the year, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. People change during the holidays, have you noticed? Everyone seems to be nicer and more giving, why cant they be like that all the time??? I also love this season because all of our birthdays are between September and February, and we celebrate at least 1 a month which is always fun. I remember spending Christmas in Mexico when I was a kid and loved it, a little different than here in the U.S (more commercialized) but also great! I love that I can enjoy and embrace the traditions of both cultures, and celebrate them full of laughter and joy with my family and friends. This holiday season I don't want gifts, money or material things (and this is really hard for me!), all I am going to ask for is for my family to be healthy happy and together wherever that may be............ I like this old spanish saying "Que sea lo que dios quiera", my mom used to always say that when she was worried or things werent going as she had planned, you know, just leave it in God's hands, thats how I feel about our future!


Leslie Harris said...

We already have SO much in common! I Love Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have 4 kids and all of our birthdays are between September and January.

As for your Christmas wish, I will keep you in my prayers.

bordersaside said...

What a great Christmas wish. I also love the holidays and I find that I love them just as much down here now that I have some friends and am more comfortable with the relatives. I will pray that you are all together on Christmas.