Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to my ONLY son!

5 years ago today was one of the happiest days of my life, I brought into this world my first son. I knew he was going to be my boy since the moment I found out I was pregnant, I remember telling my husband " I'm going to have another baby and it's going to be that little boy you've always wanted". I anxiously awaited his birth worried that something might go wrong before I actually got the chance to carry him in my arms. He has been such a blessing to our family, he has taught daddy many lessons in life and has made him a better man. My little guy is the sweetest most noble little boy I know, and although the girls think he is a spoiled brat (he's is such a momma's boy) they love their brother just as much. Happy Birthday my little guy, I loved you so much since the day I found out you were growing inside me. May God make all your wishes come true and help me and daddy guide you into becoming a righteous man.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Today we took the kids to an orchard to find their Halloween pumpkins and to pick some other fruits and veggies. They had a blast picking apples and choosing their own pumpkins from the patch. I am gonna try to make a yummy desert with the pumpkins, we'll see how good I do ;) I also got some sweet potatoes but not sure how I will bake them yet. Lastly, we picked a small bunch of peanuts, they were hard to pick! I plan on simmering them with salt, I love to snack on them with hot sauce! Below are some pictures of our day!









I've been so busy this last week that I just had a chance to upload the pictures from the baptism. It was a beautiful event, and we had a wonderful time with friends and family. Here are some pictures from the event and a couple from the celebration afterward. Enjoy!









Thursday, October 14, 2010

Exciting weekend ahead!

This weekend my husband and I will become godparents to a very special little boy. We will be baptizing my husbands 4 year old nephew on Saturday and I am so excited! It is an honor to be selected as a godparent because it means that the parents think highly of you and are entrusting you with helping them guide their child throughout life. In my culture it is a tradition for the godparents to purchase the gown that the child will wear during the baptism, as well as the candle, rosary, bible, shell for pouring water during baptism, remembrances (recuerdos) and to pay the church donation for the ceremony. Now, in my family the godparents also usually purchase a gold piece for the child whether it is a necklace with pendant, bracelet or earrings, and sometimes all three to be blessed during the ceremony, not sure if this is the case with all Hispanic Catholics? Lastly, the godparents usually give out a “bolo” which is a bunch of money (usually coins) thrown out at the children in attendance during the celebration, again, not sure if everyone does this or is it limited to certain cultures? I believe it is supposed to bring good luck to the child but not really sure how it originated. Most importantly, I enjoy these events because they are family oriented and they allow my children to learn from, and participate in the holy sacraments that take place in our family.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


These last couple of days have been pretty crappy around our home, all but 1 of us has been or is sick :? It all started last Wednesday when I began feeling nauseous at work, I decided to go home early to get some rest but I woke up feeling sick to my stomach on Thursday and was home with a stomach bug until Friday. On Saturday hubby woke up with a headache and chills, this turned into a sore throat and nausea that lasted until Sunday. On Monday my two little ones began having a runny nose and by night time they also had a cough. Today my oldest woke me up at 6 am to tell me her throat hurt badly and that she was up all night with a stuffy nose. Ugh, I have 1 more to go and I have a feeling it will be soon :/ I hate it when my family has the sickies!

Friday, October 8, 2010

I want a family photo session for the holidays

And this talented photographer is holding a contest for a free family mini-session so I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to gain as many entries as possible by posting it on my blog. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My all time favorite season YAY! I love Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all the same. We have great weather here, not too warm or cold and I get to enjoy the outdoors with my family. This season allows for me to do many activities with my children and we are also able to create many lasting memories which is what fulfills me as a mother. This time of year is where I usually get baby fever, I envision having lots of beautiful kids running around helping to decorate the house for Halloween, sitting at the dinner table on Thanksgiving, and gathering on Christmas morning in Pj’s to open gifts **sigh**, I am blessed that God has given me 4 great kiddos who keep me on my toes. I look forward to doing some fun things this fall season, Sophia is older now so it should be lots of fun for everyone! Stay tuned……………

30 Really?

(Somehow my earlier birthday post got deleted so I am adding/updating a new one)Last month was exhausting! I accomplished so many tasks, and kept busy with the kids but most importantly it was my 30th birthday, yay ;? This birthday was supposed to be blow out party, dirty thirty fantabulous and turned out to be, blah! I got so many wonderful birthday comments and emails and phone calls but yet, I couldn’t get myself to be happy you know? I don’t know that I have accepted this whole turning 30 thing, and not being able to say I’m in my 20’s anymore. I don’t want to be old!!!! I want to be a young mom who has the energy, looks creativity, excitement and everything else that is so wonderful about being young. I hate to rant and I’m sure I will get over this so I will try to think of the positive things in life, like having a wonderful husband who cares for me and is such a great partner and helper, my beautiful daughters who are all so amazing and keep me on my toes, and of course my little guy, he is so special and I love him dearly. I have a great job, family and home, what more could I ask for?!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Starting Over

Ive been a bad, bad blogger with no real excuse... I am gonna try to start over, I steered my blog in another direction and it wasn't what I originally wanted for it. I actually wanted to go and delete all my old posts but got too lazy to read through everything so there are still some old posts up. Moving to Mexico is still on the horizon for us but for now my blog will be dedicated to my family and our daily life. I hope my friends and family continue to follow us on our journey!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

13 Years This Month

I have probably blogged about this before but my husband and I were very young when we moved in together and although we have had some difficult times we remain strong and our love only continues to grow and deepen as time goes by. This month marks our 13 year anniversary of living together (we married legally in 2002 and through the Catholic church in 2008) and I couldn't have chosen a better man to be my life long partner and father of my children. I pray that God continues to bless our union and provides us with the strength and courage to deal with what the future has in store for us.

New Year's Resolutions

I'm not a fan of making resolutions but last year when I started this blog a came up with some "goals" I wanted to reach for 2009:

Here are my 2009 New Year’s resolutions:

Continue my graduate degree program CHECK

Exercise 3-4 times a week UMMM.....NO COMMENT

Be more patient with my kids and my husband I'M TRYING :/

Stop eating out so much and make dinner more often for my family CHECK

Go to church on Sundays (I stopped going when my lil guy was born) DOUBLE CHECK I EVEN GOT HUBBY TO GO

Have a tubal reversal (I will go into more detail about this in a separate post ;)) CHANGE OF PLANS FOR NOW ;)

I think I want to try this again this year so here goes nothing!

1)Continue to pursue my graduate degree

2)Exercise (at this point ill take whatever I can get)

3)Get back to doing things I love like scrapbooking and baking

4)Get the kids in some sports

5)Stop worrying about everything including our future and enjoy the present!

This year I want to let go of everything that holds me down, grow in my faith and really LIVE life to the fullest.