Monday, March 9, 2009

Im going to Mexico!

We leave on April 2nd and I couldn't be more excited because my mom, brother and one of my sisters is coming with us! I am a little sad that hubby is not coming with us but we will manage to have some fun anyway :) We will only be there until the 13th so we are going to be really busy and are hoping to squeeze a one day trip to Guayabitos in there. I have never traveled anywhere alone with all 4 kids so it will be interesting to see how I manage. On a side note, the last time I went to Mexico was in 2001 and they didn't require passports then and since we haven't left the country since, none of us had passports, so what I though was going to be a relatively inexpensive trip is turning out to be really pricey! Our airline tickets were also a bit pricey but my option was a direct flight through Mexicana or less expensive flights on the other carriers that required a layover, well with 4 kids ranging from 1 to 11, which would you choose?


Rosas Clan in Tulum said...

Direct -Direct-Direct!!!! That is so exciting. You are really going to love even the visit. That is so funny, I am going to be in the US with my kids at that exact same time. What area are you looking at?

Mama of 4 said...

I have been looking at Guadalajara and a small town that is nearby, Im not really a city girl, I like the country and small town feeling so I hope we can make it work.

Alice said...

A virtual welcome to you from Mexico. I've never been to Guadalajara but hear good things. What brings you to Mexico? And from my experiencing teaching elementary school here in Mexico, the kids here seem a lot happier than the ones in the US and live with a lot less. That's a great thing for all Americans to live and learn.

bordersaside said...

How exciting. Thats one day before my due date. but hey your here until the 13th so if you end up around Tepa please call, sounds like youll be busy so no hard feelings if you cant. lol :)