Monday, March 9, 2009


For the last couple of days we have had some pretty good weather, this past weekend it was 70 degrees! I never really believed those studies that say people get depressed during the winter months but I am now starting to believe! I have felt like crap for a while now and couldn't figure out why? Well this weekend was nice, we had a great time hanging out with family, going to the outdoor malls and eating out, I cant explain the feeling but it just "felt good". The time changed this past weekend so today when I got out of work, it was still bright and it was nice getting home to see the kids and being able to spend some time with my little ones in the back yard before it got dark. I wish our spring lasted longer, I am not looking forward to our 110 degree summer :(

1 comment:

Rosas Clan in Tulum said...

Glad to hear you had a nice weekend. It alwys makes a difference to me too. (In Portland there was a LONG rainy grey season) But not here!