Tuesday, October 12, 2010


These last couple of days have been pretty crappy around our home, all but 1 of us has been or is sick :? It all started last Wednesday when I began feeling nauseous at work, I decided to go home early to get some rest but I woke up feeling sick to my stomach on Thursday and was home with a stomach bug until Friday. On Saturday hubby woke up with a headache and chills, this turned into a sore throat and nausea that lasted until Sunday. On Monday my two little ones began having a runny nose and by night time they also had a cough. Today my oldest woke me up at 6 am to tell me her throat hurt badly and that she was up all night with a stuffy nose. Ugh, I have 1 more to go and I have a feeling it will be soon :/ I hate it when my family has the sickies!

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