Monday, January 26, 2009

My Husband's Birthday and a Personal Note on Family

My beloved will be turning 30 on January 27th, and I cant believe how fast time flies, especially when your having fun ;) We had a small party for him at his parents house this past weekend and many of our old friends came over to reminisce! We have all known each other for at least 14 years and it is amazing to see how everyone has changed and gotten older ;) and that includes us! We have been through so much together and I am thankful that our relationship continues to be exciting and keeps growing stronger. My husband and I were very young when we got together and we never really discussed having a family or and dreams we had for ourselves or each other, we pretty much just went with the flow. With time, we have learned so much from each other and throughout the years we have created goals and dreams of how we want to live and raise our family. The other night we just sat in awe looking at our four children playing, laughing, smiling and having a good time together, after a minute we looked at each other and realized "this is the life we were meant to have".

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